Cream of the Crop 1
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╔══════════════════════════════ ┌─────────────────┐
║ CDU CATDISK <tm> │ D.I.S.P. │────┐
║ Utility package │ │░░░░│
╟────────────────────────────── │ │░░░░│
║ (c) 1992 Robert W.van Hoeven │ Dutch │░░░░│
╟────────────────────────────── │ Independent │░░░░│
║ Release : 1.15 │ ShareWare │░░░░│
║ Rel.Date: 19th January 1992 │ Programmer│░░░░│
╠══════════════════════════════ └─────────────────┘░░░░│
║ | │░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│
║ │ CDC.EXE / CDM.EXE | └─────────────────┘
║ │ CDR.EXE / CDS.EXE | ┌─────┐ |
║ │ CDF.EXE | │░░░░░│ |
║ │ | └──┬──┘ |
║ │ Lines starting with '│' are | ┌────┴────┐ |
║ │ changes to release 1.10 ------││││││ ═══│-------
║ └─────────┘
║ Address: Robert W. van Hoeven
║ PO. Box 131
║ 1170 AC Badhoevedorp
║ Nederland / Holland
│ 0 │ Table of contents │
1 ---- General information
1.1 Copyrights and Licence Agreement
1.2 Newer versions and contacting the author
2 ---- Package description and requirements
2.1 Preface
2.2 Requirements
2.3 History
2.5 Introduction & specs
3 ---- Installation description
3.1 Installation
4 ---- Runtime information
4.1 General program information
4.2 CDC
4.3 CDR
4.4 CDF
4.5 CDM
4.6 CDS
5 ---- Version information and credits
5.1 The BETA-team
5.2 Credits
5.3 Version history
5.4 Copyright, Trademarks
│ 1 │ General information │
1.1 Copyrights and Licence Agreement
- Users of the CDU-package must accept this disclaimer of warranty:
- The CDU-package is supplied as is. The author disclaims all
warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation,
the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose.
The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential,
which may result from the use of the CDU-package;
- The CDU-package is a "shareware program" and is provided at no charge
to the user for evaluation. Feel free to share it with your friends,
but please do not give it away altered or as part of another system.
The essence of "user-supported" software is to provide personal
computer users with quality software without high prices, and yet to
provide incentive for programmers to continue to develop new products.
- If you find this program useful and find that you are using and
continue the use of the CDU-package after a 30 days trial period,
you must register the CDU-package as described below;
- Non-commercial can get a licence for the usage up to this release
of the CDU-package for free. Look into the details in REGISTER.CDU
For Non-commercial users there is a POSSIBILITY to submit to one
of the special contracts as explained in the file REGISTER.CDU;
- Commercial usage of CDU will cost some money. Also, a so called
'closed' Bulletin Board System (a system where the user must pay
direct to the SysOp to get full access) is considered as a com-
mercial user. Both types of users should look into the details in
- The registration of the CDU-package will licence ONE copy for use on
any computer at any one time, as long as the usage confirms to the
type of registration you have done (so NON-commercial usage when you
have a non-commercial licence);
- Anyone distributing the CDU-package for any kind of remuneration must
first contact the Author at the address above for authorization;
- You are encouraged to pass a copy of the CDU-package along to your
friends for evaluation. Please encourage them to register their
copy if they find that they can use it;
- Support on CDU, when used in a non-commercial environment, is
available by means of written letters or by entering the inter-
national echomaol area DISP;
- Problems and suggestions can be entered in the FidoNet <tm> Echomail
conference <tm> called DISP (international). Entering this echo does
not exclude you of the duty to register the CDU-package, though users
who evaluate the product can enter the echo for questions;
- The CDU-package, all programs, the documentation and support-files are
copyrighted 1990,91 by Robert W. van Hoeven, PO. Box 131, Badhoevedorp
1170AC, Holland. All rights are reserved. The original CATDISK <tm>
program is NOT included. You must obtain it at one of your local BBS
system. CATDISK <tm> is copyrighted 1986,91 by Rick Hillier;
- You may copy this package for backup puposes. Also you may copy and
share unmodified copies of the whole package, providing that the
the copyright notice is reproduced and included on all copies.
Excluded from this statement are the support-files written by other
authors. Please refer to the documentation of these programs for
copyrights and licence agreements;
- It is forbidden to modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, de-
compile and/or disassemble the software in the CDU-package. Patching
the medium at places that carry the software is seen as a program
change and is also forbidden;
- Performing any of the illegal actions as stated in the previous
lines, is a theft and no fair play to the author and, more important,
to the registered users;
- Bulletin Board Systems that distribute the CDU package can convert
the WHOLE package to any archive-system they like but all original
files must be included in the new archive. The CDU-package on the
Bulletin Board can contain at the most 2 extra files. These files
can only be a commercial for that Bulletin Board and/or validation
data that is presented as a service to all users and shall have no
other functions;
- After the normal trial period of 30 days, you must register the soft-
ware (see REGISTER.CDU) or you must remove it from your PC;
- Most important, you should register the original CATDISK <tm> package;
- Comments, suggestions and bug reports are welcome and will be answered
as soon I have the time to do so. You can send me a letter of leave a
NetMail <tm> message named to Rob Van.hoeven (mind the point) on node
2:512/100 (RA Support, Monster, Holland, SysOp is Reinier de Groot).
When you want to send me normal mail, address it to:
Robert W. van Hoeven, PO. Box 131, 1171 AC Badhoevedorp, Holland;
Also you can enter messages in the FidoNet <tm> DISP Echomail <tm>
1.2 Newer versions and contacting the author
The newest version of CDU is always available at the DISP-HQ on node
2:512/100. CDU is also distributed thru a number of DISP support nodes.
There are three ways of obtaining newer versions of CDU:
- Logging on at DISP-HQ or a support node
Look into the file SUPPORT.CDU for a full list of support noded;
- Logging on to a SDS node
CDU is distributed thru SDS/SDN, but only big minors (x.10, x.20 and
so on) and majors (14.01, 15.01 and so on) are submitted to the SDS
distribution point in Holland;
- Logging on to your own BBS;
Chances are, that you will find an older version (international
users) because it will take some time for the new version to
'bleed' thru the net;
- Update service;
You can enter a special update service (read REGISTER.CDU).
If you think you have found problems in CDU, or in any other case,
you wish to contact the author, you can send me:
- A letter to the address you can find in the header of this file;
- A NetMail <tm> message to Rob Van.hoeven (please mind the point
between Van and Hoeven) at 2:512/100 or (better) 2:512/100.5;
- A Message in the FidoNet <tm> DISP echomail <tm> area;
│ 2 │ Package description and requirements │
2.1 Preface
Please notice the following:
- CDU is a ShareWare product in every right way, this means this
software is not crippled in any way;
- This program only works when you work with the original CATDISK pro-
gram. CATDISK <tm> is (c) 1986-91 by Rick Hillier;
2.2 Requirements
CDU requires: - PC XT/AT/386
- At least 200K free memory but it depends on the
options (picklist) you use;
- DOS 3.xx and higher;
(tested with 4Dos 3.02, should work with lower
versions). Tested with DOS 5.0;
- HDU optional
- The original CATDISK program;
2.3 History
In the early '90 I got tired of my diskettes and their files. I needed
a diskette catalog program. I tried a few of them, including CATDISK
but all, also including CATDISK, seemed to slow for my VERY slow PC,
so I did write a small program myself that was nicer than most in-
memory catalog programs but did not include many options.
When I finally installed a new PC at home (a 386/33er) and also hooked
on as a co-sysop for 2:512/100, my files started to grow. Because I
more or less function as a remote backup for the BBS-files, my collec-
tion raised from 50 360Kb diskettes to more than 200 720/1.44 diskettes,
all containing archives.
I was surprised that I suddenly saw a new version of the CATDISK <tm>
program (4.60 that was), and decided to try it again. By now I have
created some 'small' customized programs that can help you with some
tasks in CATDISK <tm> that are not available or too specialized for
CATDISK <tm> to do.
These programs, though they can be better, do their jobs and are now
shared with you. The easiest thing you can do, is to delete them but
there could be one or more that suit your needs. In any case, if you
have comments or suggestions, let me know.
│ 3 │ Installation description │
3.1 Installation
This installation is uncommon to my products. That is, because there
are almost no options to set <grin>. Lets walk thru the installation:
- Copy the *.EXE files you need (or all of them) to a directory in
the DOS-path;
- Create a line in AUTOEXEC.BAT where you set the environment varia-
ble CATBASE. This variable must point to the directory that con-
tains the CATDISK.DTA/SUM files and/or any other CATDISK <tm>
database you have. An example (where the CATDISK.DTA/SUM files
are in C:\CATDISK):
- If you normally run CATDISK with special option (the /F[xxx] not
included, this option is inserted by some of the CDU programs
itself), you must create a line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT with the
following format:
SET CATPARM=[switch] {switch} .. {switch}
Where [switch]/{switch} are the command-line options you normally
use to start CATDISK. If normally you start CATDISK with /NZ and
/NZC, the line should be 'SET CATPARM=/NZ /NZC' (wthout the quotes).
│ This is NOT needed when you already have defined a CATDISK environ-
│ ment variable for CATDISK itself ! If BOTH variables are present,
│ all CDx programs will first use the values from the CATDISK env.var.
│ and will APPEND all values from the CATPARM env.var. to these values;
- Be sure to have, at least, CATDISK.EXE in the same directory as
the variable CATBASE points to. If it is not there, copy it to
that directory. This is only needed when CDR and/or CDM is used;
- Read the remainder of the documentation and try it out (after you
have made the CATBASE env.var. active!);
- Previous releases contained a program CDD.EXE. This program could
not be called by that name when you run 4DOS <tm> on your system.
For this reason it is renamed to CDR.EXE. You should remove any
older CDD.EXE (from the CDU package!!) from your disk;
│ 4 │ Runtime information │
4.1 General program description
All programs described below work more or less the same. If you have
more than one CATDISK <tm> database, you can select to point to the
wanted database by means of a command-line switch (/BASE=) or by means
of a PICK-list. If you have more than one database and you do NOT sup-
ply the /BASE= parameter, the program will show a PICK-list with all
eligable databases. Just move the bar to the right database and hit
the [ENTER] button. All programs have some common command-line para-
meters that can be used. You can use /?, /H, ? or H to display the
valid command-line parameters for each of the programs.
All CDx programs that use a file-mask, contain one EXTRA mask that
is normally not available in DOS. The '=' mask can be used for a
'shifted' test. Some examples explain it best:
=RA will select tRAns.arc, RA_101.zip, warnRAm.arj and so on
=A.E will select mamA.Exe and so on;
You can not combine the '=' mask with other masks like ?? and ** !
4.2 CDC
CDC is the smallest and easiest program. Sometimes the CATDISK <tm>
databases will contain 'grabage' characters in some fields. Though it
should be fixed, it is still possible that your databases contain
these characters. These characters do no harm but they can be a pain
in the neck in the case when you want to compress your CATDISK <tm>
database(s). If you use programs like DIET or the resident STACKER,
you can get some extra bytes of compression back when the fields in
the CATDISK <tm> databases are set to hex '00' for that part of the
field that is NOT in use.
CDC should be run once in a longer period and does nothing more than
cleaning all garbage in the CATDISK <tm> database. It should not al-
ter the active information but when you are unsure, you must backup
the database first.
CDC works with the following command-line options:
/BASE=nnnnnnnn You can use this parameter to point to the right
CATDISK <tm> database. [nnnnnnnn] is the name
(without extension) of the database. If there is
only one database, CDC will use it at once. If
there are more databases and you don't use this
parameter, CDC will show all possible databases
and you can pick one of them;
4.3 CDR
CDR is a nifty utility that can help you to clean your diskette files.
CDR is the CATDISK <tm> delete utility. In general, you can use this
program in 2 ways.
- Normal delete (with extra mask)
You will start CDR with one or more file-masks to delete;
- Date-delete
You can delete files that are older than a certain month and year;
When CDR is started, it will search the database for all matches (you
can supply up to 50 ! masks) and will sort them on volume-ID after
you have been presented with a question if one or more (or even all)
of the matched files have to be deleted. Then CDR will ask you to
mount the first volume, the next volume and so on. CDR will combine
all files on one volume so you only have to mount diskettes only once.
They will be asked in volume-ID sorting order and only diskettes that
contain files to be deleted are asked for a mount.
After the file(s) are deleted for a specific volume, CDR will call
CATDISK <tm> and you can update the catalog with the original CATDISK
CDR works with the following command-line options:
/BASE=nnnnnnnn the same as with CDC
/TOOLD=mmyy mmyy is a valid (4 digit) month and year. When you
supply this parameter, CDR will only delete files
that equal one of the masks AND are OLDER than the
supplied mmyy combination;
/DRIVE=d CDR would like to know the drive that contains the
diskettes that are worked on (delete files). If
you do not supply the option, CDR will ask for the
/NORESTART When you terminate CDR while CDR is busy with the
manipulation of diskettes (the second part), you
can start CDR again and it will go on as if nothing
has happened. Any selection screens are skipped and
CDR will go on with the next volume in the list. If
this is NOT what you want, you can supply /NORESTART
and CDR will start from scratch again. If you did
finish CDR in a NORMAL way (not pressing ESC), the
restart files are scratched and CRD will start from
scratch the next time. You can also force CDR to
start from scratch (after abnormal termination) by
deleting the files CDR$$???.??? from disk;
/NOSTUFFKEY Normally CDR will stuff a CR, 5, 'YYYY' and ESC
into the keyboard before CATDISK <tm> is started.
This is needed and you should observe well that
CATDISK <tm> will terminate again. If it does NOT,
an error was encountered and you must manually go
into the menu 5 and hit Y twice. When you enter
/NOSTUFFKEY as a command-line option, CDR will not
stuff any keys into the keyboard and you should
do all the work inside CATDISK <tm> yourself;
/CDISK4 If you still run CATDISK 4.xx, you must supply
this option unless you also supplied the /NOSTUFFKEY
option. If you let the program stuff the keys in the
keyboard before CATDISK is started, the program will
use the CATDISK 6.xx keys (catalog is entry 5) unless
you use /CDISK4 (catalog entry is 4) in which case
the program will use the old format;
4.4 CDF
CDF look much like CATDISK internal file-list but it is somewhat faster
and has some extra options. You can use the movement keys to scroll
left, right, up and down the list and you can use up to 50 masks in
one run. Also the enhanced masks can be used ('='). One extra option
makes it possible to show the diskettes in free-space order so you
can easy select a diskette that can fit your new file.
CDF works with the following command-line options:
/BASE=nnnnnnnn the same as with CDC
/FREE Only show diskettes in free-space order
/ARC Display in-archive files also;
4.5 CDM
CDM is something you must try. Put all new files that have to go to
diskette into one directory on your hardisk (use separate directories
for files that will go into separate diskette-sets e.g. CATDISK <tm>
databases). Start CDM.
CDM will first try to look if older versions are already inside the
diskette collection (e.g. SCAN82 is on ARCHIVE 10 and now you have
SCAN83 ready to store on diskette). Also equal files are detected.
│For equal files, CDM will ask if you want to delete the file from
│hard-disk (answer 'Y'). If you reply 'N', CDM will add the file to
│one of the diskettes and BOTH (name-like) versions will reside on
│diskette. If you answer 'A', CDM will remove the file from diskette
│and will add the one from hard-disk to a new diskette !!
The algorithm to detect different versions is far from perfect. Only
files with names of 5 bytes or longer (excluding the extension) and
with the last 3 bytes unequal but the first bytes equal, are marked.
So, CT21 and CT53 are not detected but MTA_VE14 and MTA_VE16 are.
Now CDM will try to fit the new files on your diskettes in a way that
the diskettes are filled optimal.
This all will only use one mount per eligable diskette. After a
diskette is ready, CDM will call CATDISK so you can update the
database. CDM works at my place but not everybody will store files
in the way I do, so try before you use.
CDM works with the following command-line options:
/BASE=nnnnnnnn the same as with CDC
/DRIVE=d the same as with CDR
/NORESTART When you terminate CDM while CDM is busy with the
manipulation of diskettes (the second part), you
can start CDM again and it will go on as if nothing
has happened. Any selection screens are skipped and
CDM will go on with the next volume in the list. If
this is NOT what you want, you can supply /NORESTART
and CDM will start from scratch again. If you did
finish CDM in a NORMAL way (not pressing ESC), the
restart files are scratched and CDM will start from
scratch the next time. You can also force CDM to
start from scratch (after abnormal termination) by
deleting the files CDM$$???.??? from disk;
/NOSTUFFKEY Normally CDM will stuff a CR, 5, 'YYYY' and ESC
into the keyboard before CATDISK <tm> is started.
This is needed and you should observe well that
CATDISK <tm> will terminate again. If it does NOT,
an error was encountered and you must manually go
into the menu 5 and hit Y twice. When you enter
/NOSTUFFKEY as a command-line option, CDM will not
stuff any keys into the keyboard and you should
do all the work inside CATDISK <tm> yourself;
/CDISK4 If you still run CATDISK 4.xx, you must supply
this option unless you also supplied the /NOSTUFFKEY
option. If you let the program stuff the keys in the
keyboard before CATDISK is started, the program will
use the CATDISK 6.xx keys (catalog is entry 5) unless
you use /CDISK4 (catalog entry is 4) in which case
the program will use the old format;
4.6 CDS
This is a nice utility if you get many request for copies of your
files. CDS will sort the files from new to old, will ask if you would
like to select each individual file and will show the number of bytes
you have selected. When you stop selecting files, CDS will start to
ask for diskettes and will copy files from the diskette to the current
directory. Also a FILES.BBS alike file, containing any comments from
the CATDISK <tm> database you selected, is copied onto the disk.
CDS works with the following command-line options:
/BASE=nnnnnnnn the same as with CDC
/DRIVE=d the same as with CDR
/NORESTART When you terminate CDS while CDS is busy with the
manipulation of diskettes (the second part), you
can start CDS again and it will go on as if nothing
has happened. Any selection screens are skipped and
CDS will go on with the next volume in the list. If
this is NOT what you want, you can supply /NORESTART
and CDS will start from scratch again. If you did
finish CDS in a NORMAL way (not pressing ESC), the
restart files are scratched and CRS will start from
scratch the next time. You can also force CDS to
start from scratch (after abnormal termination) by
deleting the files CDS$$???.??? from disk;
│ 5 │ Version information and credits │
5.1 The BETA-team
Look into the file SUPPORT.CDU for a full list of all beta-testers.
5.2 Credits
Thanks to the following people:
- Rick Hillier for CATDISK;
- The BETA-team (a very warm and loud applause !);
5.3 Version history
│ 1.01 │ First rudimental release │
■ Try it out
│ 1.02 │ Bug release (only CDD) │
■ Nothing changed, not supplied in 1.02
■ CDD would incorrect detect files that were to old. Newer files
were not deleted but some of the older files could stay on the
diskette library. This is fixed;
■ CDD first sort out the possible deletes. Then CDD would ask for
volumes and at THIS moment the user could reply Y/N. This order
is changed. CDD will sort out the matches and will ask a Y/N
before ANY volume has to be mounted;
■ Nothing changed, not supplied in 1.02
■ Nothing changed, not supplied in 1.02
■ Nothing changed, not supplied in 1.02
│ 1.03 │ Minor release │
■ Only some cosmetic changes;
■ Added /RESTART;
■ Added /NOSTUFFKEY to overrule the stuffing of keys into the
keyboard to run CATDISK <tm> almost unattended;
■ Added option to 'Q'uit the selection process. CDD will start with
the files you selected sofar. Hitting [ESC] in the questionaire
will cause CDD to terminate;
■ Some cosmetic changes
■ Some cosmetic changes;
■ A mask is not needed anymore when you use /FREE;
■ Added /RESTART;
■ Added /NOSTUFFKEY to overrule the stuffing of keys into the
keyboard to run CATDISK <tm> almost unattended;
■ Some cosmetic changes
■ Some cosmetic changes
│ 1.10 │ Minor release │
│ CDC │
■ Changed some cosmetics;
│ CDR │
■ Changed the name from CDD.EXE into CDR.EXE;
■ Changed the parsing routines for labels on diskette a bit. This
should fix problems with labels containing binary zeroes. Also
all labels are looked at in uppercase manner;
■ Fixed a problem where CDR would display invalid dates on the
selection screen;
■ Added support for CATDISK 6.xx (other stuffed keys). Old CATDISK
releases are still supported with the /CDISK4 command-line option;
■ Added support for user-switches, normally used with CATDISK,
by looking for the environment variable CATPARM;
■ Recoded the restart procedures, removed the /RESTART option and
added the /NORESTART option to switch automatic restart off;
│ CDF │
■ Some cosmetic changes;
■ A mask is not needed anymore when you use /FREE;
│ CDM │
■ Changed the parsing routines for labels on diskette a bit. This
should fix problems with labels containing binary zeroes. Also
all labels are looked at in uppercase manner;
■ Added support for CATDISK 6.xx (other stuffed keys). Old CATDISK
releases are still supported with the /CDISK4 command-line option;
■ Added support for user-switches, normally used with CATDISK,
by looking for the environment variable CATPARM;
■ Recoded the restart procedures, removed the /RESTART option and
added the /NORESTART option to switch automatic restart off;
│ CDS │
■ Changed the parsing routines for labels on diskette a bit. This
should fix problems with labels containing binary zeroes. Also
all labels are looked at in uppercase manner;
■ Changed the layout a bit. It now looks more the same as CDM and
■ Added support for CATDISK 6.xx (other stuffed keys). Old CATDISK
releases are still supported with the /CDISK4 command-line option;
■ Added a restart procedures in the same manner as CDM and CDR. Added
the /RESTART option to the program;
│ 1.15 │ Minor & bug release │
│ CDC │
■ Changed some internal routines a bit;
│ CDR │
■ Fixed a serious bug in the parsing of volume-labels. This caused
CDR NOT to recognize some (or all) diskettes. This is fixed;
■ CDR did recognize the /CDISK4 command-line parameter but forgot to
do something with it. This is fixed;
■ CDR will now look if there is a CATDISK env.var. available and
will use the values;
■ CDR will now work with registered versions of CATDISK <tm>;
│ CDF │
■ Nothing changed;
│ CDM │
■ Fixed a serious bug in the parsing of volume-labels. This caused
CDM NOT to recognize some (or all) diskettes. This is fixed;
■ CDM will now look if there is a CATDISK env.var. available and
will use the values;
■ CDM will now work with registered versions of CATDISK <tm>;
■ Changed the algorithm for duplicate files. You can now make three
different choices. Either you remove the file from the hard-disk,
you add the new file to diskette (so both will exist on diskette)
or you can remove the version on diskette and add the one on hard-
disk to diskette (Y,N or A);
│ CDS │
■ Fixed a serious bug in the parsing of volume-labels. This caused
CDM NOT to recognize some (or all) diskettes. This is fixed;
5.4 Copyright, Trademarks
CATDISK is a trademark of Rick Hillier
4Dos is a trademark of J.P. Software / R.C. Conn and T. Rawson
Stacker is a trademark of Stac Electronics, Carlsbad
Diet is a trademark of Teddy Matsumoto
CDU is written in Turbo Pascal 6.0, with help of the Turbo Debugger 2.0
and makes extensive use of Object Professional 1.12.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International
Turbo Debugger is a trademark of Borland International
Object Professional is a trademark of TurboPower Inc.
==================== END OF DOCUMENT ==================================